
We use cookies, some are necessary for the website to function, others we can only use with your consent. Read more about the Cookies used.

Cookie settings

The website uses various cookies, some of which are necessary for its operation, others we can only use with your consent. Read more about the Cookies used.

Use of Cookies

The website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best possible experience using our site. We store information in cookie files stored in your browser and thanks to them we know what you are most interested in and thanks to this we can create content that you may be interested in.

What is the content of cookies?

On this website, you may encounter temporary and permanent cookies.

Temporary cookies are used in the user’s browser only when viewing the website. In particular, these are files that serve to secure and identify the connection between us and your computer during one visit to it (for example, information about whether it is a mobile device or a computer and also various identifiers that are used for a secure connection). After you leave the website, the files are deleted from your computer (or other device).

Permanent cookies remain on the computer (or other device) until they expire or are deleted by the user. They are used, for example, to identify the language used or to pre-fill the form. They also serve to provide more relevant content and personalized communication with the user.

What are the advantages of using cookies?

A cookie is a file that contains information from the user’s web browser and from a specific web server. If the web browser accesses the web server again, the server can more easily and quickly retrieve this information and respond to the data stored in it. Thanks to cookies, we are able to constantly improve and improve not only our website, but also the services and offers we provide to all our clients.

How long do we keep files?

Each cookie file has a set time or length of functionality depending on the purpose for which the given file is used. For this reason, the times specified on this page will be used appropriately for the length of use or storage time.

What are the options for setting and deleting cookies?

On this website you can meet the so-called necessary, statistical, unspecified and marketing cookies.

Every user is entitled to set the use of cookies where possible. Consent to the use of cookies is granted mainly for marketing purposes.

Cookies absolutely necessary for the website to function

Necessary cookies are those without which it is not possible to browse our website and the services associated with them in a standard way (that is, in accordance with the visitor’s expectations). These cookies are necessary either for technical storage, access exclusively for the purposes of message transmission via the network, or they are cookies that are absolutely necessary for us to be able to provide you with the information society service you are requesting. These cookies are secured with an adequate level of security. The use of necessary cookies is possible without your consent. Necessary cookies cannot therefore be activated or deactivated.

Cookie name: tlw_doas_gdpr
Category: necessary
Stored information: Identifies whether the site visitor accepted cookies in the pop-up window. The next time you visit the page, the window will not appear.
Validity: 3 months

Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies help us communicate with website visitors by collecting and reporting information anonymously.

Cookie name: _ga
Category: statistical
Stored information: Registers a unique user ID to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
Validity: 2 years

Cookie name: _gid
Category: statistical
Stored information: Serves to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
Validity: 2 years

Cookie name: _gat
Category: statistical
Information stored: Uses Google Analytics to adjust request rates.
Validity: 1 day

Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies help us prepare a suitable offer of our services for you.

Cookie name: _fbp
Category: marketing
Stored Information: Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertised products to third-party offers in real time.
Validity: 3 months

Third Party Services

To improve the user experience on this website, we use third-party services through which we collect anonymous data and which collect third-party cookies. This data may be stored on third-party servers. Third parties may have access to cookies or to other information that is collected through cookies, but always only within the scope of our contractual agreement and under our control. If you do not want us to use these services for data collection in a corresponding way in your case, adjust your browser settings. The third parties whose services we use include:

Google / Google Analytics
More about privacy protection:

Social networks:
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the privacy protection conditions of the providers of the social media platforms through which we communicate. The information published by us only explains basic questions regarding the management of our profiles on social networks. We only have typical administrative rights when processing your personal data through our profiles set up on social networks. We assume that by using social networks you understand that your personal data is primarily processed by the providers of social network platforms (such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram…) and that over this processing, further provision of your personal data to third parties and cross-border transfer to third countries that carry out given social networking platform providers, we have no control over and are not responsible for it.